Inland ports call for continued ambition to make European combined transport a success Press Releases | 08 November 2023
EFIP members meet in Belgrade to visit Serbian inland ports and study their successes Press Releases | 20 October 2023
Inland Ports meet in Vienna to talk about TEN-T and development in the Danube Region Press Releases | 28 April 2023
EFIP, thinkport Vienna and SECI hold workshop on the realisation of hydrogen in inland ports. Press Releases | 27 April 2023
European Parliament adopts final agreement on the Connecting Europe Facility for 2021-2027 Press Releases | 26 March 2019
EFIP's position on the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) in light of MFF discussions Press Releases | 19 March 2018
EFIP members meet in Paris and welcome Kędzierzyn-Koźle Terminale Sp. z o.o. (PL) as a new member Press Releases | 13 October 2017