Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP), Inland Navigation Europe (INE) and the Inland Waterway Transport sector on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation 05 January 2022
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on the Targeted review of the General Block Exemption Regulation 07 December 2021
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on European Urban Mobility 21 September 2021
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on Adapting to Climate Change Strategy 22 July 2020
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on the Energy Taxation Directive 26 March 2020
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive 26 March 2020
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on the European Green Deal 18 February 2020
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on the Evaluation of the Rail Freight Corridors Regulation 05 February 2020
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on the Targeted review of the General Block Exemption Regulation 24 September 2019
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on the consultation of the TEN-T Guidelines 16 July 2019
Position of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) on the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) within the Legislative Procedure 07 September 2018